Natalyna Perez, a senior at Notre Dame Academy, has been a Club member since she turned eight years old. Natalyna participated in almost every opportunity we offer including job ready, college prep, homework help, leadership groups and of course, our dance program, InDaZone. “Shauree (InDaZone Director) has taught me life lessons I will never forget. She pushed me to my full potential and helped me through some very difficult times. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without her, Josh (Case Management Director) and Cassie (Teen Coordinator).”
Dance has made such a positive impact on her life that Natalyna plans on incorporating this passion into her future plans. “I would love to open a dance studio one day so I can be a mentor for young dancers like Shauree was for me.”
Natalyna competed among 39 other Youth of the Year contestants from all over Massachusetts for the state title and was first runner up. She also represented the Massachusetts Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs by attending a Red Sox game (as guest of the Ninety-Nine Restaurants) and visiting the Fenway field where she had the honor of calling "Play Ball" to kick off the game! In addition, she and her fellow finalists had the opportunity to visit the State House and meet Governor Baker. The life of a Youth of the Year is full of exciting opportunties!