School Aged Child Care: Transportation Plan

Parents, family members, or designated adults are responsible for transporting their children to and from the School Aged Child Care Program each day. All parents will be required to sign a permission slip for specific out of building field trips as needed and for a walking trip at the beginning of the year. All adults who drop off and pick up the children must be on the approved authorization form. A transportation plan sheet must be completed, which is included in the School Aged Child Care Program packet. Any person picking up children should have a valid picture ID on them, as to identify themselves for the staff.

For Field Trips

The School Aged Child Care Program will use a yellow school bus or van. The bus/van will be equipped with seatbelts that will be used. Parents may provide their own car/booster seat.

  1. No staff member will transport children or college students in their cars. (FOR ANY REASON)
  2. Parents may transport their own children if they attend a field trip on a day that is not their regular day of attendance or they can ride on the school bus. Children will leave with their parents afterwards.
  3. Parents will not be allowed to transport another person’s child, who is in attendance at the School Aged Child Care Program the day of the trip, without giving the School Aged Child Care Program written consent. Both parents must provide written consent.
  4. Parents will be informed in advance and asked to fill out the necessary paperwork.
  5. Parents will be asked to pay the entrance fee. If this is a hardship, please see the School Aged Child Care Program Director.
  6. The School Aged Child Care Program will use a yellow school bus or van. The bus/van will be equipped with seatbelts that will be used. Parents may provide their own car/booster seat.
  7. Field trip lunches must be in coolers.

For Walking Trips

Safe walking rules are reviewed with the children prior to each walk. Teachers are placed in the front, middle (if staffing allows), and rear of the line. Children requiring additional assistance may hold a teacher’s hand. At crossings, one teacher will stop traffic before we cross the street, and join the group on the other side of the street after all children have crossed and are safely on the sidewalk or designated area.

A first aid kit, children's emergency information and a cellular phone will always be brought on field trips. In the case of  illness or emergency, emergency services (emergency contact if parents cannot be reached or ambulance) will be contacted if necessary. A parent or guardian will be contacted by the director. The director will remain with the child at all times.